35th Annual

Toys & Joy Holiday Party



For over 30 years, the Los Angeles Police Department SWAT (LAPD SWAT) and Luskin Orthopaedic Institute for Children (LuskinOIC) have teamed up to host an annual holiday party and toy giveaway for pediatric patients and their families. Through this event, some 2,000 children from our local community receive a toy in celebration of the holiday season. This annual party, held in December, is the culmination of a year-long LuskinOIC Toys & Joy toy collection program.

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Luskin Orthopaedic Institute for Children

400 West Adams Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90007

Toys & Joy is made possible by our WONDERFUL Sponsors

Join these generous sponsors who bring joy to thousands of children throughout the year.

Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Toys & Joy program?

Contact Michael Willis
michaelwillis@mednet.ucla.edu or (213) 742-1500.

Thank you to our generous Partners and Sponsors:

About Luskin Orthopaedic Institute for Children

For over 113 years, LuskinOIC has served the children of Greater Los Angeles who suffer from disabling musculoskeletal conditions and injuries such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, scoliosis, club foot, and fractures. Our founder, Charles LeRoy Lowman, M.D., believed in taking care of the “whole child” –mind, body, and soul. This commitment to service continues today, as LuskinOIC annually provides more than 60,000 visits to thousands of predominantly low-income, underinsured or uninsured children

Learn More About LuskinOIC

Contact Us

To become a sponsor, make a donation, learn more about LuskinOIC’s Toys & Joy program, or for questions regarding the Toys & Joy Holiday Party, please contact:

Michael Willis

Director, Corporate & Community Engagement

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