
July 23, 2024

Parents’ Guide To Understanding Childhood Fractures

Parents’ Guide To Understanding Childhood Fractures

Childhood injuries are inevitable. But children are resilient; they tend to heal and bounce back faster than adults after physical trauma. Still, when it comes to treating injuries like fractures, commonly known as broken bones, it’s important for kids to receive specialized care by a trusted pediatric orthopaedist to ensure proper treatment and recovery.

If you’re unsure of whether your child has a fracture, or if you want to know more about how long it takes for a child’s broken bone to heal—and what a visit to a pediatric orthopedic specialist entails—keep reading.

How do I know if my child has a fracture?

Sometimes it’s difficult to tell whether an injury is actually a broken bone. But it’s best not to rule out the possibility, as fractures are one of the most common types of injuries for young children.

Whether your child has endured a fall, a collision during contact sports, a car accident, or other types of physical trauma, you’ll want to keep an eye out for the following symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of fractures

There are a few telltale signs of childhood fractures to look out for. Even if your child doesn’t display each symptom, don’t rule out a fracture—you should contact your child’s pediatrician, and for serious cases, a 911 call or trip to the ER may be warranted.

Typical signs and symptoms of a fracture include:

  • Inability to move the injured limb or joint
  • Pain and swelling in the affected area
  • Difficulty or inability to put weight on the injured limb or joint
  • Bruising, redness, or deformity of the affected area.

Common types of fractures
  • Non-displaced (also known as Stable)

In this type of fracture, the ends of a broken bone are still aligned and can be stabilized, usually with an immobilization device like a cast or splint. Immobilization encourages faster, proper healing.

  • Displaced

The bones are out of place and may need to be put back in place during a process called reduction. After the misaligned bones are put back in place, a cast (or other proper immobilization device) is administered.

  • Open

In this fracture, also known as a compound fracture, the skin is pierced and the bone might be visible. Open fractures are a more serious type of broken bone that require immediate care to prevent infection and will likely need surgical attention.

  • Comminuted

A type of displaced fracture, this occurs when the bone has shattered or split into several pieces.

How is treatment of childhood fractures different from adult fractures?

Children’s fractures are different from adult fractures in several ways.

For one, a pediatric fracture may do damage to growth plates—which can inhibit proper growth for children of growing age. If a fracture is left untreated, or not treated properly, damaged growth plates may cause bones to grow unevenly, or not be able to grow. This is why it’s critical to see an orthopedic specialist as soon as possible.

On the plus side, children’s bones are more flexible than adults’, which allows them to absorb shock better. Children will often heal faster and surgery isn’t typically required.

Diagnosis and treatment of childhood fractures

The first step for a suspected fracture is to get a proper diagnosis for your child’s injury. Seek medical care as soon as possible if your child is experiencing any of the common fracture signs and symptoms.

If you’re in the Los Angeles area, we encourage you to bring your child to LuskinOIC’s Pediatric Orthopedic Urgent Care Center, where wait times are often much shorter than at a typical urgent care center and you will see doctors who specialize in childrens’ broken bones.

Here’s how to plan a visit to our Pediatric Urgent Care Center.

LuskinOIC’s specialists are dedicated to pediatric orthopedics and can support your family throughout the entire course of treatment—from diagnosis to recovery—with our team of experts leading our Ahmanson Foundation Fracture Center.


When being seen for a suspected fracture, your child will first receive an examination, which includes checking vitals, learning more about the cause of the injury, and understanding the type of pain. X-rays will be taken to provide additional insight for a diagnosis.


Next, you’ll be given a treatment plan with three main goals: Reducing pain, aligning the fractured bone, and helping to regain normal range of motion when the bone has healed.

An immobilization device like a brace, splint, walking boot, or cast may be recommended. The course of the treatment plan will be tailored to your child’s needs based on severity, age, and lifestyle.

How long does a child's fracture take to heal?

On average, it takes about four to eight weeks for fractures to heal, although it’s common to see healing after about six weeks. Additional time may be needed for severe fractures, which can take up to three months.

Does my child need to see a Pediatric Orthopedist?

To ensure correct diagnosis and proper recovery, we encourage parents to contact a pediatric orthopedist, like the specialists here at LuskinOIC.

In 2015, the University of Maryland did a study on childhood fractures treated at ERs and non-specialty urgent cares, and found that out of 225 children, 93 percent had received splints that were placed improperly (source). This well-meaning error may hinder healing through slower recovery, or cause improper healing which can lead to long-term chronic pain and limited range of motion.

But how common is it for a child to break a bone?

The same study notes that fractures are the fourth most common injury in children under age 6 (according to the AAP), and that nearly half of all boys and a quarter of all girls will break an arm or leg before age 16.

Our approach and expertise

If your child has a broken bone, don’t take chances. See the specialists at LuskinOIC’s Fracture Center for expert treatment ASAP. Contact us here.

Our personalized treatment approach ensures proper bone alignment, comfort during healing, and full joint motion restoration, so your child can quickly return to school, sports, and normal life.

LuskinOIC’s specialists use cutting-edge medical technology and a premium rehabilitation center to help children recover from fractures. For instance, the Harbison Radiology department, equipped with advanced X-ray machines, guarantees optimal care. Our new pediatric orthopedic rehabilitation center, tailored for ages 0-4, features a kids corner for movement and coordination development. Innovative equipment, including the NASA-designed Alter G machine, accelerates rehabilitation for early return to activities.

As LA’s experts at treating broken bones in children, our care begins with diagnosis and spans the entire recovery process. This includes:

  • Onsite diagnostic tests and imaging (meet our award-winning radiology team!)
  • Non-surgical and surgical treatment
  • Casting (Did you know that we provide more than 32,000 casts and nearly 20,000 braces each year?)
  • Physical rehabilitation, including our Return to Sports testing
  • Follow-up care throughout recovery

What’s the best way to help my child heal from a fracture?

It’s a relief to many parents and guardians to know that most childrens’ fractures heal steadily, effectively, and often without any long-term effects. Here’s how to promote proper healing.

Healing Fractures

Casts play a critical role in healing broken bones, but the bone continues to heal even after the cast is removed. After a doctor removes the cast, they’ll examine the area to check for any pain and review range of motion.

For ongoing home care, a proper nutrient-rich diet that’s high in calcium may encourage faster healing and better bone health.

If swelling or pain return, ice may help with inflammation, but it’s also wise to contact your pediatrician.

If the doctor gives any activity restrictions, it’s best to follow that advice even if your child feels ready to get back to usual activities. Make sure to attend any follow-up appointments or physical rehab, even if your child seems fully healed.

How to find a Pediatric Orthopedist

Did you know that the Ahmanson Foundation Fracture Center at LuskinOIC is one of the country’s largest pediatric orthopedic fracture centers?

Our specialized pediatric orthopedic experts are dedicated to your child's health, setting us apart with their unwavering commitment to helping kids heal from broken bones and get back to playing and normal life. Learn more about our fracture experts here.

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