March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month: Here’s how to support.
The Ahmanson Foundation Fracture Center at Luskin Orthopedic Institute for Children (LuskinOIC), opened in 2020, is one of the largest pediatric orthopedic fracture centers in the nation. Our team of pediatric orthopedic specialists provide the expert, award-winning care children need to heal from broken bones and continue growing normally, without disruption.
Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm
Closed: Saturday and Sunday
Common signs your child may have a broken bone include:
Common signs your child may have a broken bone include:
Fractures are quite common in childhood. If you believe your child may have a fracture, you should see a specialist as soon as possible so your child can get properly diagnosed and treated. A broken bone will need to be stabilized and protected. Without the right treatment, there’s a chance your child could lose range of motion, develop arthritis or chronic pain, or develop a permanent deformity or disability.
Healing time can vary based on the severity of the fracture and other factors, but children’s bones often heal faster than adult bones. On average, it takes about 4 to 8 weeks for fractures to heal.
At LuskinOIC’s Orthopaedic Hemophilia Treatment Center (OHTC), we set the standard in treating hemophilia joint and limb issues. In 1970, OHTC was designated by the World Federation of Hemophilia as one of the first four International Hemophilia Training Centers.
We’ve consistently been pioneers for our patients: we were the first comprehensive care center on the West Coast, we performed the first successful hip replacement surgery in a patient with hemophilia, and through clinical trials we have been providing the newest treatments available.
In addition to treatment, we conduct groundbreaking research, provide innovative and personalized physical therapy, and offer genetic counseling for patients and their families.
As LA’s experts at treating broken bones in children, our care begins with urgent care diagnosis and spans the entire recovery process. This includes:
Your child’s treatment plan for fractures will have three main goals:
Here’s what to expect during fracture treatment at LuskinOIC:
For proper recovery, our specialist may prescribe pain medication, physical therapy, and follow-up appointments. It’s important for your child to follow all instructions to heal as quickly as possible.
The pediatric orthopedic rehabilitation center features a kids corner, innovative technology for movement and coordination development, and a NASA-designed Alter G machine for gravity-eliminated walking and running activities, expediting the return-to-normal activities during rehabilitation.
When one of your pediatric patients has a fracture, refer them to the new Ahmanson Foundation Fracture Center at LuskinOIC in Los Angeles for specialized care at a best-in-class facility with industry-leading pediatric orthopedic physicians. LuskinOIC provides comprehensive onsite fracture care for children, starting with precise diagnoses and continuing through the entire recovery process.
Opened in 2020, our Fracture Center is one of the largest pediatric orthopedic fracture centers in the nation, with 14 exam rooms, state-of-the-art diagnostic X-ray machines in the new Harbison Radiology department, and kid-focused rehabilitation center. Our team of pediatric orthopedic experts is renowned for providing highly specialized fracture care to children, ensuring proper healing.
Referring Physicians for Ahmanson Foundation Fracture Center: (213)741-8330
Medical Professional's Help Line: (213)741-8325
Fax Referrals: (213) 741-8338
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday-Friday